Zoom Tips

We're gonna be here for a while.

Let's face it. Services like Zoom are going to be a constant in our lives and the way we live, teach, and learn. Luckily, the internet is awash with helpful and fun tips, tricks, and hidden features to upgrade your video experience. Here are a few of our faves for life at IU ZOOMington.

  1. Mute your audio and turn off your camera by default
    Got bedhead, a barking dog, or a mess of a room? Don't dive to mute the audio and turn off the camera as soon as you enter a meeting. Take care of it ahead of time in your settings.
  2. Learn the keyboard shortcuts
    • Mute or unmute audio: Alt + A
    • Start or stop video: Alt + V
    • Pause or resume screen sharing: Alt + S
    • Pause or resume screen recording: Alt + P
    • Switch camera: Alt + N
    • Raise or lower hand: Alt + Y
  3. Touch up your appearance
    You may have just rolled out of bed but that doesn't mean your colleagues or classmates have to know it.
    • Video > Select "Touch Up My Appearance."