File requirements
- 1920 × 1080 pixels (horizontal)
- 72 dpi
- JPG/JPEG or PNG format
Content requirements
Slides only display for seven seconds. If you want people to read and retain information, you must keep copy to a minimum.
- Use no more than 50 words. This includes headings, titles, and event information.
- Distinguish URLs with a different color and/or emphasis such as bold or italics.
- Keep text readable. Use white text on dark backgrounds and dark text on light backgrounds. Do not place text on colorful pictures.
- Use IU brand elements—fonts, colors, voice, and verbal/ visual style. Consult the HLS Visual & Editorial Style Guidelines made available to all HLS units (See HLS branding assets) for the most up-to-date information and links to downloadable brand resources, including:
- IU brand fonts
- IU brand color palette
- HLS unit marketing lockups