Student Life & Support

Get connected through student life & resources

At Hamilton Lugar, our global community extends beyond the classroom through student support and engagement. Get involved in student life, join a club, get support from our new peer mentor program, make your voice heard through student government, and connect with other wellness and support resources. 

Watch this page for updates on ways we're creating community at Hamilton Lugar.

New for Fall 2024 – Hamilton Lugar Student Government

This fall semester, the Hamilton Lugar School will be electing its inaugural executive board and committee members for the School’s first ever student governing body.

The Hamilton Lugar Student Government will work to advocate for students and enrich the student experience within HLS and the larger Indiana University Bloomington campus. This new organization seeks to facilitate cohesion and collaboration among the students, faculty, administration, and departments within the School. The Hamilton Lugar Student Government will be a liaison between faculty, staff, and students and hopes to foster peer mentorship and build community. Through HLS Student Government, students will have the opportunity to shape the future of HLS.

Elections will take place Monday, October 14th and Tuesday, October 15th, 2024! Please check this page for information about the candidates and how to cast your ballot.

Student Neha Srinivasan chats with former US Ambassador to Russia James Collins (l) and Gen. Gene Renuart.

IU student organizations

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