Majors, minors & more

Our majors

Central Eurasian Studies

Bachelor of Arts

Develop language proficiency and cultural competency in the region spanning from the Danube to the Yellow River, while studying current cultural and political situations within their historical contexts.

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Cybersecurity & Global Policy

Bachelor of Science

Build a foundation of policy, linguistic, and technological skills to understand the cultural nexus from which cybersecurity challenges emerge and how to address them.

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East Asian Languages & Cultures

Bachelor of Arts

Major in East Asian Languages & Cultures or East Asian Studies and explore the history, languages, and cultures of China, Japan, and the Koreas.

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India Studies

Bachelor of Arts

For a competitive edge in the global market, investigate the languages, culture, literature, arts, philosophy, socio-political and historical dimensions of this dynamic region.

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International Law & Institutions

Bachelor of Arts

Examine the legal aspects of global issues and take courses at IU’s Maurer School of Law.

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International Studies

Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, and accelerated Master of Arts

Concentrate on issues such as diplomacy, human rights, or development and conflict, while developing a foundation with courses covering economics and statistics.

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Middle Eastern Languages & Cultures


Focus on the history, languages, societies, cultures, and politics of the Middle East.

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I’d never before thought about looking at climate change from any angle other than the scientific one.

Moira Corcoran (International Studies, class of 2019)

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African Studies

Minor or certificate

The African Studies Program offers the critical skills and knowledge needed for understanding Africa and its global diasporas in the 21st C .  Non-majors choose from three Minors and/or a Certificate. Courses are multidisciplinary and address the complex global interactions between African countries and the world - both historically and contemporarily. Regularly offered language courses include Akan-Twi, Arabic (through MELC), Bamana, Kiswahili, Yoruba, and Zulu. Students can also begin pursuing an accelerated MA as early as the end of sophomore year.

See academic bulletin

Central Eurasian Studies


The Department of Central Eurasian Studies covers contemporary and historical regions of critical significance, such as Tibet, Mongolia, Xinjiang, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Turkey, Hungary, Finland, and the Baltics.

See academic bulletin

East Asian Languages and Cultures or East Asian Studies

Minor or certificate

The Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures is a multidisciplinary and multicultural department offering courses (open to nonmajors) that deal with the cultures of East Asia. Language courses in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean are offered from beginning to advanced levels.

See academic bulletin

European Studies

Minor or certificate

The Institute for European Studies offers interdisciplinary programs that combine courses in the social sciences, humanities, and languages to provide a broad understanding of the countries of Europe and the European Union.

See academic bulletin

International Studies


The Department of International Studies prepares students for the increasingly complex and interconnected world of the 21st century. Students will develop deep knowledge of at least one region outside the US and fluency in another language.

See academic bulletin

Islamic Studies


The Islamic Studies Program helps students better understand Islam and the Muslim world, including its inter-relationships and international connections.

See academic bulletin

Latin American and Caribbean Studies

Minor or certificate

The Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies provides students with a basic knowledge of the anthropology, art, economics, folklore, geography, history, languages, literatures, music, and politics of Latin America.

See academic bulletin

Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures


The Department of Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures offers minors in Arabic, Persian, Turkish, and Islamic Studies. Courses are also available to students in other disciplines who wish to acquire a working knowledge of a Middle Eastern language or satisfy a foreign language requirement.

See academic bulletin

Peace Corps Prep


The Certificate in Global Service and Peace Corps Preparation creates a portfolio of knowledge and skills essential for careers in international development, government, the Foreign Service, NGOs, and the academic world.

See academic bulletin

Russian and East European Studies

Minor or Certificate

The Robert F. Byrnes Russian and East European Institute (REEI) offers three undergraduate minors: a minor in Russian and East European Studies, a minor in Russian and East European Studies with a language certification and minor in Polish Studies. REEI also offers an undergraduate certificate in Russian and East European Studies. Any REEI credential may be earned along with any bachelor's degree.

See academic bulletin

Southeast Asian and ASEAN Studies


The Southeast Asian and ASEAN Studies Program fosters the development, acquisition, and sharing of knowledge about the ASEAN nations and people of Southeast Asia and the ways they relate to each other and to the world. SEAS currently offers language courses in Burmese, Indonesian, and Thai.

See academic bulletin

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