Frequently Asked Questions

What is the high school academic profile of Hamilton Lugar School students? 

HLS Direct Admits are high achieving across many components, exhibiting strong high school academic performance (e.g., grades, coursework, intellectual curiosity) and test scores (for those who choose to have their test scores considered), a commitment to community service and leadership experiences, and a devoted interest in global engagement.

How does applying without test scores impact my chances of being directly admitted to the Hamilton Lugar School?

In short, it has no impact whatsoever. Indiana University is a test-optional school. All students—regardless of whether they choose to submit test scores—are closely evaluated for admission. However, this evaluation will not take place until a student has received their admission notification from the IU Office of Admissions. No additional materials are required.

If you choose to take the SAT or ACT at a later date, you may submit your updated  score to IU but this is not required.

Learn more

How do you consider life experiences in the admission evaluation process?

HLS students are curious, engaged, and motivated to learn through investigation. They're passionate about global issues, leadership, and the cultures, languages, and perspectives shaping our geopolitical landscape. But there is no one experience that's more important than another.

We believe that each student's individual experiences play a pivotal role in how they see and navigate the world. Some of our students have traveled and lived abroad, while others have never left their home state. They're from urban communities and rural areas. They've migrated to the United States from other nations.

Regardless of a student's background, we value the diverse perspectives and experiences students bring into the HLS classroom and beyond, and consider these factors during the admission process.

What careers do students pursue?

A degree from the Hamilton Lugar School opens up a world of possibilities. Our students pursue careers in public service, nonprofit organizations, cybersecurity, business, academia, finance, and journalism. Those who don't enter the workforce, often head to law, medical, or graduate school.

No matter their path, the Hamilton Lugar School's career services and professional development team prepares them for life after graduation.

  • Recent career destinations: Airbnb, AmeriCorps, Bain, Booz Allen, Coca-Cola, Council on Foreign Relations, Eli Lilly & Company, Facebook, Federal Bureau of Investigation, General Motors, Google, JPMorgan Chase, Institute for Defense & Business, Metropolitan Museum of Art, NHK, Northrup Grumman, Peace Corps, Roche Diagnostics, Tesla, US-China Institute, US Department of Commerce, US Department of Defense, US Department of Justice, US Department of State, United Nations

To learn more about professional development opportunities and career outcomes, visit our webpage on careers.