If you have an event you would like to advertise on the HLS Digital Monitors, fill out the form below.
Digital slide files are due no later than five (5) business days prior to the date you want the ad to appear. Slides must run for a minimum of five (5) business days. Slides will not display for more than fourteen (14) days.
An updated posting of slides occurs each Monday (or on Tuesday, if Monday is a holiday). Slides may be submitted at any time, but submissions received by 5pm on Wednesdays will be released the following Monday. Slides received after that time will be bundled with the next grouping. Please submit your slides in time to ensure that they will be posted in advance of your event.
We reserve the right to decline submissions based on screen availability and submitter's adherence to the Hamilton Lugar School Digital Slide Style Guidelines and IU branding guidelines. NOTE: Submitting a slide does not add it to the HLS calendar. You must submit your event to the calendar separately.