
Start your global career!

Whether you plan to go directly into the workforce, start graduate school, or pursue a prestigious fellowship, the Hamilton Lugar School (HLS) will prepare you for your future.

HLS offers innovative programs to help you navigate your career options, whether you want to stay in the Midwest, head to Washington, D.C., or work internationally. The Emerging Leaders council connects students with professionals.

HLS students also have frequent opportunities to network with representatives from the public and private sectors. Recent visitors include the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the US Department of State.

  • Airbnb
  • AmeriCorps
  • Booz Allen
  • Coca-Cola
  • Council on Foreign Relations
  • Eli Lilly & Company
  • General Motors
  • Google
  • JPMorgan Chase
  • Institute for Defense & Business
  • Metropolitan Museum of Art
  • NHK
  • Northrup Grumman
  • Peace Corps
  • Roche Diagnostics
  • Tesla
  • US-China Institute
  • US Department of Commerce
  • US Department of Defense
  • US Department of Justice
  • US Department of State
  • United Nations

Engaging with the wealth of opportunities that HLS now has to offer, you can’t go wrong.  Doors will open and you just have to pick which door you want to go through.

Kathleen Claussen in Washington, D.C.

Turn your ambition into a career

An excellent education is critical for career success, but you also need the skills to help you land your first job. We can help you identify your unique strengths and translate them into an impressive resume that reflects who you are and your individual goals. 

Opportunities and resources to prepare you for life after graduation are woven throughout the HLS experience. They include:

  • Coaching sessions and resume assistance
  • Networking events with alumni, VIPs, and guests
  • Connections the HLS Peace Corps Prep program
  • Internship opportunities in the US and throughout the world
2022 6-month career outcomes for HLS alumni

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